For late-career solutions architects with 20 years or more of experience, the average reported salary is $135,000 per year. There’s no universal tool set, but there is modeling software for solution architects like ABACUS. Still, he/she is focused on the highest quality result and that everything is completed on time. Therefore, they have to decide which decisions are beneficial and which are useless in a particular situation. The solution architect works directly on the project while the business analyst develops the requirements.

solution architect roles and responsibilities

In this article, we’ll talk about what a Solutions Architect does, what the main requirements for this role are, how much these professionals typically earn, and how to become one of them. Uncover the value of a successful EA practice, and how that translates to your organization. In many cases, the business will not recognize the full extent of the challenge. It is the SA’s responsibility to set engagement objectives and scope, develop work plans and coordinate activities across multiple project workstreams. While it is a challenging role, it is also a role born out of an experience, which helps bear the burden of the entire solution deployment. There are several Solution Architect roles covered under the umbrella of the position.

Solutions architect skill sets

Another approach to becoming a SA is to become a distinguished Development Lead (DL). The SA skill set is slightly broader and requires a bit more finesse, however, fundamentally the same. The SA lays out the architecture for the overall solution whereas the DL converts that architecture into detailed design. One approach to getting started as a SA is to become a DL and work towards the additional skills that a SA possesses. Most SAs have that ability to give some of their work to DLs looking to step up.

Of course, you don’t need to design and implement a solution architecture on all software development projects. For instance, if you want to create a simple one-page website, a coding team and a project manager will be able to do this without additional guidance from a solution architect’s side. Basically, they take separate requirements to the global company’s infrastructure and turn these requirements into real solutions. In other words, solution architects create a bridge between planning at the enterprise level and developing specific software products that will help a company make these plans a reality. From there, the solutions architect creates an overall strategic technical vision—not unlike an architect designing a blueprint for a building.

How Enterprise Architects Close the Gap between Technology and Business

It is this conversion part of the role – the role of the SA -that most often is underestimated in its complexity. Just as the ability of the Functional Analyst to create a requirements document is one part science and wrote procedure so is the creation of the architecture. Creating effective architectures to create a solution requires the careful balance of dozens of development concepts ranging from “Keep it Simple Stupid” to “Fail to Safe”. The synergy between these roles is key in building a long-lasting, effective enterprise architecture. The responsibilities of a solutions architect involve understanding potentially complex problems and finding all the possible solutions – accurately defining the issue and the requirement. They will also need to document and share best practices and advocate for process improvements.

solution architect roles and responsibilities

As a rule, these top-level specialists have already achieved outstanding results in development, team leading, or project management. They must possess in-depth expertise and long-term experience on both the technology and non-technology side of projects. As we’ve listed a solution architect’s responsibilities, it would now be profitable to outline the essential skills required for a solution architect. To determine which IT solutions would best serve the company’s objectives, you will need to have a solid understanding of the business as a solutions architect. In addition, your ability to act as a leader will be crucial for directing the overall establishing process of business objectives.

Security Solutions Architects

This role can encompass as wide or as narrow an area as is needed in order to address the present concerns. If there is a major shift in how personnel and business practices are done, it is likely that this was done under the advice of an enterprise architect. A Solution Architect professional usually requires a degree in Computer Science or a related field, supplemented by several years of experience in IT solution architect roles and responsibilities or a related field. They must also be versed in architectural principles, frameworks, and software design. The salary range for Solutions Architects varies based on several factors, including experience, geographic location, industry, and the complexity of projects they undertake. However, it is noteworthy that Solutions Architects are often among the highest-compensated professionals in the IT industry.

  • To solve customer business challenges, we’ve assembled a team of 9 experts, including DevOps practitioners with deep expertise in IT structure management and software development.
  • Infrastructure SA gathers the business requirements and develops an infrastructure strategy that aligns with the business goals.
  • Businesses who need assistance with mobile app development can hire an application solutions architect.
  • It’s a specialized job that involves quite a bit of analysis, internal and external investigations, surveys, studies, and so much more.
  • At the same time, they can create prototypes to identify tech limitations or delve into product design.

The principal involvement of Enterprise Architects is ensuring the company, as an entity, has streamlined application lifecycles and uses the technologies best suited for each application. One of the solution architect roles is to identify which combination would be best for which project – something that they can gauge on the basis of in-depth technological assessment and comparisons. These individuals are responsible for engineering, creating software architecture, and implementing technology.

The Indispensable Expert: Exploring the Role of a Solution Architect

They typically provide guidance regarding technologies and tools to power the CDP. In addition, the Solution Architect directs solution design towards improved deployability by reducing and mitigating coupling across solution components and improving interfaces with other systems. It’s the SA’s duty to define the Non-functional requirements (NFRs) for the solution based on the business need and the necessary technology tradeoffs. In this blog, we will delve into the roles and responsibilities of Solution Architect in detail. But before we start, let’s take a brief overlook on who exactly is a Solution Architect.

This means that at the end of development, the company receives not just a working application, but a product that will lead to scaling. Solution architecture is concerned with defining and designing the building blocks for a program and a very high level. It is about understanding the current state, its impact on the overall architecture, and defining new blocks and their interfaces. The initial high-level design will need to be monitored to confirm that it is consistent and compared with the solution’s overall design. For example, if we talk about integration with existing solutions, then a new project must be created using particular technologies to comply with the corporate system. Business owners often think about effectiveness, productivity, cutting costs, optimization, etc, while software engineers worry more about specific engineering challenges.

Who is a solution architect?

Architects are experts at speaking both ‘business; language with the clients and ‘technical’ language with the developers. Architectural intent needs to be balanced against the reality of implementation to build a viable solution. SA’s regularly interact with system architects and technology leads from ARTs and supplier to collaborate on solution design and familiarize ARTs and suppliers with an end-to-end view of the solution. This includes critical technologies and their use, the structure of the solution in terms of its subsystems, and so on. The SA’s are crucial in assessing various possible technology alternatives and implementation approaches. In close collaboration with Solution Management, they make strategic technology decisions, seeking a productive balance between the implementation cost and business value.

solution architect roles and responsibilities

A solution architect helps a project succeed by the simple virtue of making those problems go away. If the project is a success, this can only be good for the company’s bottom line. At the end of the day, however, the specifics regarding what a solution architect is expected to do will hinge largely on what the company wants or needs.

Solution architecture and its main processes

In our experience, solution architects can only be a benefit to companies who are struggling with projects that need to take off from the ground. A competent architect will be able to spot problem areas, find solutions, and facilitate effective communication. One of the Solutions Architects’ key responsibilities is to oversee solutions’ implementation and integration.


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